This article explains how to disassemble and replace a brake adapter on a 135mm solid axle hub. There are 3 different brake adapters and compatibility depends on the hub.
Backward compatibility
This guide is compatible with legacy enviolo Commercial (CO), and NuVinci N360, N380, N380SE 135mm solid axle hubs.
Brake adapter compatibility
The Urban 135mm solid axle hub supports 2 brake adapters:
- A - Rim brake
- C - Disk brake
City and Trekking
The City, Trekking, and respective legacy hubs (Commercial, and NuVinci N360, N380, N380SE) support three different brake options:
- A - Rim brake
- B - Roller brake
- C - Disk brake
All other hubs
All other 135mm solid axle hubs support one brake adapter:
- C - Disk brake
Video instructions
Step-by-step instructions
1 - Disassemble the used brake adapter
Choose the disassembly guide option that your hub comes equipped with:
A - Rim brake adapter
Disassembly tools
- 17mm wrench
- Vice
Disassembly instructions
- Mount the wheel on a vice.
- Remove the left-hand axle nut (1).
- Remove the left-hand no-turn washer (2).
- Remove the left-hand nut (3).
- Remove the cupped washer (4).
- Using a small flat screwdriver, pry and remove the rim brake cover (5).
B - Roller brake adapter
Disassembly tools
- Electrical torque wrench
- Ear protection
- 17mm wrench
- Vice
- Cleaning solution
- enviolo Brake Adapter Tool
Disassembly instructions
- Mount the wheel on a vice.
- Remove the left-hand axle nut (1).
- Remove the left-hand no-turn washer (2).
- Remove the left-hand nut (3).
Secure the wheel and use the electric torque wrench with the enviolo Brake Adapter Tool to remove the brake lock ring (6).
- It is recommended to use an electrical torque wrench to remove the brake adapters as the lock rings are tightened with a strong adhesive.
- Do this while wearing ear protection.
- Remove the roller brake adapter (7) from the hub.
- Inspect and clean inside the hub shell.
C - Disk brake adapter
Disassembly tools
- Electrical torque wrench
- Ear protection
- 17mm wrench
- Vice
- Cleaning solution
- enviolo Brake Adapter Tool
Disassembly instructions
- Mount the wheel on a vice.
- Remove the left-hand axle nut (1).
- Remove the left-hand no-turn washer (2).
- Remove the left-hand nut (3)
- Remove the cupped washer (4).
Secure the wheel and use the electric torque wrench with the enviolo Brake Adapter Tool to remove the brake lock ring (6).
- It is recommended to use an electrical torque wrench to remove the brake adapters as the lock rings are tightened with a strong adhesive.
- Do this while wearing ear protection.
- Remove the dust cap (8).
- Remove the disc brake adapter (9) from the hub.
- Inspect and clean inside the hub shell.
2 - Reassemble a new brake adapter
Replace with a new adapter compatible with your hub:
A - Rim brake adapter
Assembly tools
- Torque wrench with 17 and 19mm sockets
- Vice
- Rim brake adapter kit
Assembly instructions
- Mount the wheel on a vice.
- Press the rim brake cover (5) into position until it seats fully.
- Assemble the cupped washer (4).
Assemble the 17mm left-hand nut (3).
- Torque it to 30-35Nm.
B - Roller brake adapter
Assembly tools
- 17mm wrench
- Torque wrench with 17 and 19mm sockets
- Strong thread-locking adhesive (Loctite® 277TM or equivalent)
- Vice
- Cleaning solution
- enviolo Brake Adapter Tool
- Roller brake adapter kit
Assembly instructions
- Mount the wheel on a vice
- Assemble the roller brake adapter (7) on the hub.
- Apply a line of strong thread-locking adhesive (equivalent to Loctite® 277TM) around one thread of the brake lock ring (6).
Use the enviolo Brake Adapter Tool to assemble the brake lock ring (6) into position.
- Be very careful to not damage the thread - rotate counter-clockwise first to find the start of the thread, and then rotate clockwise until you feel resistance.
- Torque it to 55-65 Nm.
- Assemble the 17mm left-hand nut (3). Torque it to 30-35 Nm.
- Clean any left-over adhesive from the hub shell.
- Finalize by mounting the roller brake rotor according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
C - Disk brake adapter
Assembly tools
- 17mm wrench
- Torque wrench with 17 and 19mm sockets
- Strong thread-locking adhesive (Loctite® 277TM or equivalent)
- Vice
- Cleaning solution
- enviolo Brake Adapter Tool
- Disk brake hardware kit
Assembly instructions
- Mount the wheel on a vice
- Assemble the disc brake adapter (9).
- Apply a line of strong thread-locking adhesive (equivalent to Loctite® 277TM) around one thread of the brake lock ring (6).
Use the enviolo Brake Adapter Tool to assemble the brake lock ring (6) into position.
- Be very careful to not damage the thread - rotate counter-clockwise first to find the start of the thread, and then rotate clockwise until you feel resistance.
- Torque it to 55-65 Nm.
- Mount the dust cap (8).
- Mount the cupped washer (4)
- Assemble the 17mm left-hand nut (3). Torque it to 30-35 Nm.
- Clean any left-over adhesive from the hub shell.
- Finalize by mounting the 6-bolt disk brake rotor according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Your brake adapter is ready
If you successfully followed the steps for one of the options above, then the brake adapter is repaired.