In the enviolo app, you can adjust the "start-after-stop ratio". This ratio is a default setting as to the shift ratio the AUTOMATiQ system shifts to directly after a standstill or at very low speeds (<4km/h)
The enviolo system does this to prevent an empty pedaling feeling when you are starting off from 0 km/h. However, how much the system needs to shift up differs per rider type. You are able to set this lower or higher based on your personal preferences. Someone who already rides a higher cadence (+70rpm) would most likely have a lower start-after-stop ratio, while someone who rides a lower cadence (below 50rpm) would have a higher start-after-stop ratio.
Make sure you try out this setting to find the best suite start-after-stop ratio for yourself.
Adjusting Start-after-stop ratio
In the enviolo app, you can adjust this setting yourself. Make sure to connect a phone with the enviolo app to the enviolo AUTOMATiQ hub interface. Then you can go to "settings" and adjust the slider: