If the interface shifts itself, and so does the pedaling cadence, see below what you can do.
Problem diagnosis
Without any input changed the cadence control seems to change.
Step-by-step solution
To fix the issue:
- On 1st generation systems only - please ensure the sprocket, interface, and encoder are clean to prevent interferences. You can just use a piece of paper and water for this step.
- Perform the sensor functionality check. For specific instructions please watch this video:
- On all systems ensure the firmware settings are correct by using the enviolo desktop tool for the setup. If necessary you can update the firmware, more on how to do this in this article.
- If you are still facing issues it might be necessary to follow steps for retrofitting.
You’re all set!
If you follow the above steps, you are ready to ride again. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our service team.